For improvement in the appearance of moderate to severe fat below the chin, also called “double chin,” you can count on Kybella® from the aesthetic experts at Emmett Plastic Surgery. Board-certified by the American Board of Surgery, Dr. Jennifer Emmett will help the Denver and Douglas County men and women safely and comfortably eliminate the symptoms of double chin with Kybella®.
What is Kybella®?
Kybella® is uniquely formulated and FDA-approved to help you get rid of your double chin, drawing more attention to your face and jawline. Kybella® is the only FDA-approved injectable treatment that can be used by adults to eliminate excessive fat in the chin region, also known as submental fat. It’s specifically formulated to improve the appearance and profile of moderate to severe fat below the chin. The active ingredient in Kybella® is deoxycholic acid, which aids in the breakdown and absorption of dietary fat. When injected into the fat below your chin, it causes the destruction of those fat cells, eliminating their capacity to store or accumulate fat so that your under chin region is freed from the appearance of excess fat.
Kybella® Benefits
Fat in the area of the chin is very stubborn and resistant to diet and exercise. It can undermine your appearance by making you look older and heavier, no matter what your age or weight. Do you want a stronger looking jawline? Is your profile less than ideal due to excessive fat underneath your chin region? Kybella® from the beauty experts at Emmett Plastic Surgery can help you restore your chin to its natural look. The challenge with a double chin or submental fat is that even the most strict diet and extreme exercise coupled with a healthy body weight and body mass index often cannot eliminate the double chin appearance. Now, every time you look in the mirror, thanks to the amazing benefits of Kybella®, you can eliminate the double chin and restore your jawline, without undergoing surgery.
How is Kybella® Administered?
Kybella® dissolves fat and eliminates the need for you to hide your chin under turtlenecks, or opt for liposuction or other surgical procedures. Thanks to Kybella®, now in a quick and simple procedure, depending on your symptoms, you can achieve visible results in 2 to 4 treatments, and full results within 6 treatment sessions. Treatment sessions are typically scheduled 6-8 weeks apart. During your treatment sessions, after administering pain relief if appropriate and desired, a special grid will be used to carefully draw the boundaries for the injections on your skin. The injections will then be made directly into the fat under your chin, getting right at the source of the problem area using multiple injections in a procedure that is simple and straightforward, taking less than 30 minutes to complete.
Kybella® Recovery
Although your recovery from Kybella® will be painless and without downtime, Kybella® will be invisibly destroying fat cells so that further fat accumulation doesn’t occur. Once your desired aesthetic response is achieved, further treatment is not expected to be required.
How Do I Prepare for Kybella®?
No special preparations are necessary prior to your Kybella® treatment. Contact us now to find out if Kybella® is right for you. If you have had any other injections over the last four months, or if you are currently taking any allergy medications, sleep aids, or muscle relaxers, let Dr. Emmett know.
Is Kybella® Right for Me?
Do you suffer from double chin syndrome? Fat under the chin can undermine your self-confidence, making you look older than you really are. If you have a double chin, also known as submental fat, then Kybella® may be just right for you. It will eliminate excess fat under the chin and restore your facial appearance and contour.
How Much Does Kybella® Cost?
The cost for Kybella® will depend on the amount of submental fat volume (double chin) that needs to be reduced. Contact Emmett Plastic Surgery now to schedule your consultation and learn more about what your treatment strategy should be. Kybella® is considered an elective cosmetic procedure, so many insurances do not cover the cost. Dr. Emmett offers financing through CareCredit®, Simmons Bank, and Prosper® Healthcare Lending. We also accept cash, personal checks, and credit cards.
If you live in Denver, Lone Tree, or any Douglas County community and want to address submental fat, also known as a ”double chin,” without undergoing surgery, consider Kybella® at Emmett Plastic Surgery to restore your youthful chin or strong jawline. Contact Dr. Emmett online or call (303) 955-7545 today for your consultation.