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Dr. Jennifer Emmett, M.D.

Home Breast Augmentation What You Should Know About Breast Augmentation Surgery

December 15, 2018

Breast augmentation lone tree coA breast augmentation is commonly called a “breast aug” or “boob job”. Patients opt for a breast augmentation surgery to enhance their breast size after weight loss, pregnancy, or to achieve a larger breast size. A saline or silicone implant is typically used to increase breast size. In some cause, a mammoplasty is done which takes fat from another part of the body and uses it to increase the volume of the breast. A breast augmentation may also be done after mastectomy or injury.

What can breast augmentation surgery do for me?

-Enhance breast fullness and projection

-Improve breast symmetry

-Improve self-confidence and self-image

What a breast augmentation surgery CAN’T do for you

Breast augmentation is not capable of fixing severely sagging breasts. If you want to fix sagging breasts, a breast lift may be needed to help you achieve the fuller and lifted look you desire. A breast lift can be accomplished at the same time as a breast augmentation. In some cases, you may need a separate surgery. During your consultation, it will be determined what the best course of action is for you.

Know if you are the right candidate

You are an excellent candidate for a breast augmentation if you have realistic goals, your breasts are completely developed, you want a larger breast size, you are unhappy about the look of your breasts, your breasts are asymmetrical, or one or both breasts did not develop normally. You are not a good candidate if you are currently pregnant or breastfeeding. It is also important that you are in general good health so as to improve your recovery experience.

Arrange a consultation

If you are considering breast augmentation surgery, take sufficient time to review breast augmentation photos and learn about what to expect during recovery. Taking the time to prepare yourself prior to your surgery will aid in handling your recovery well. If you have questions about breast augmentation surgery, contact Emmett Plastic Surgery today. You can reach us by calling 303-955-7545, at our office located in Lone Tree, Colorado.