This Article Has Been Medically Reviewed By

Dr. Jennifer Emmett, M.D.

Home Radiesse What Radiesse Can Do For You

January 15, 2019

Radiesse lone tree coAre you ready to get rid of those tiresome wrinkles on your face? As we age, the face continues to form wrinkles while losing elasticity. With Radiesse, you can enhance your appearance by adding volume, youth, and fullness to your face. Radiesse can smooth out wrinkles and create skin texture that is more supple and fine.

The Many Benefits of Radiesse

Both men and women have loved the impact that Radiesse injectable treatments have had on their appearance and confidence. Radiesse is able to enhance the body’s natural occurrence of collagen, which allows the skin to heal and repair. Here are the benefits you can expect from your experience with Radiesse:

-Radiesse utilizes naturally occurring ingredients, which in turn will decrease the probability of allergic reactions.

-Radiesse can quickly diminish the appearance of wrinkles and deep folds.

-Radiesse can enhance facial fullness by encouraging collagen creation in the skin.

-Radiesse results can last two years!

Know if Radiesse is the right treatment for your needs

If you have lost facial fullness due to age or weight loss, Radiesse can assist with increasing fullness resulting in a more youthful and taut look. Radiesse is an excellent option for people who desire a non-surgical and minimally invasive procedure to achieve a certain appearance. If you want to reduce the presence of folds and wrinkles near the mouth or eyes, call Emmett Plastic Surgery to arrange your consultation.

After the procedure

After your Radiesse injection session is complete, what next? Your Radiesse injections have a near immediate affect on your appearance. Your face will soon look fuller and smoother after merely one treatment. These fantastic results will continue to grow over the next few weeks. Best of all, you can enjoy your refreshed appearance for up to two years!

Arrange your consultation

To learn more about Radiesse and what facial injectables can do for you, call Emmett Plastic Surgery right away. We look forward to helping you discover the best treatments to fulfill your goals. Call us at 303-955-7545. We look forward to hearing from you.