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Dr. Jennifer Emmett, M.D.

Home Liposuction What Is the Purpose of Liposuction?

August 30, 2020

Female in white top and bottom for liposuctionDr. Jennifer Emmett of Lone Tree, Colorado is a plastic surgeon who offers a selection of services to help men and women rebuild their confidence in their body and overall appearance. Liposuction is an elective procedure that has been incredibly popular over the years for both men and women who want to contour specific areas of the body by removing unwanted fat. While diet and exercise are the best ways to contour the body and reduce fat, there are spots where unwanted fat tends to accumulate and become resistant against traditional methods of treatment. Common areas where fat removal is desired include:

  • A double chin
  • The upper arms
  • The stomach/abdomen
  • Flanks, or “muffin top”
  • Buttocks
  • Thighs/upper legs

Who is a good candidate for liposuction?

Liposuction is appropriate for most of our patients, though we do find that the best results occur in patients who are in good overall health and who are within their ideal weight range. Liposuction has been wrongly referred to as a weight loss procedure, which it is not. While some patients may drop a few pounds due to the amount of fat removed from the body, it is not the primary goal. Instead, liposuction is treated as a body contouring and sculpting procedure to remove unwanted fat. In some instances, patients who have a substantial amount of fat removed with liposuction may also consider skin removal at the same time to keep the area tight and firm. During the initial evaluation appointment, Dr. Jennifer Emmett will evaluate a patient to decide if liposuction is right for them.

Does liposuction hurt?

Fat removed during liposuction is achieved using a small cannula that vacuums out unwanted fat in the areas in which it is inserted. Because of the nature of the procedure, patients may be sore and experience some swelling and bruising following their appointment. However, the procedure itself is comfortable as patients are under general anesthetics for their surgery, and over-the-counter pain medications can be used afterward to address any discomfort afterward.

Are you interested in liposuction?

Dr. Jennifer Emmett and her team at Emmett Plastic Surgery in Denver, Colorado is here to help patients find solutions for their face and body, including traditional liposuction methods of fat removal. Call (303) 536-3531 to request an appointment at 10450 Park Meadows Drive in Suite #100.