This Article Has Been Medically Reviewed By

Dr. Jennifer Emmett, M.D.

Home Breast Enhancements Breast Augmentation: The Importance of the Incision Location

October 6, 2017

Are you considering undergoing a breast augmentation procedure? If you are looking to enhance the size and beauty of your breasts with implants, understanding your options for the procedure will help you know how to personalize it so you can attain your ideal results.

An important aspect of the breast augmentation procedure is the incision location. Each option is performed on a different area of the breasts. Some are made around the areola, others are made beneath the breasts, some are even made in the armpit. Each option has unique benefits, so it is important that you take the time to fully understand each one before making a decision.

At Emmett Plastic Surgery, we will provide you with a thorough description of each incision location and will expertly perform whichever incision you choose for your breast augmentation procedure. Contact our office today to schedule a consultation.